Dr Ngata is a practitioner, advocate for and supporter of kaupapa Māori and kaupapa taiao education, Tairāwhiti hauora and art initiatives, haka and mōteatea, and our stories.
He is currently Acting Chair Board of the Teriary Education Commission, Chair Hawaiki Hou Steering Group Sport NZ, Chair Māori Education Ministerial Advisory Group, Trustee Hinemaurea Marae ki Mangatuna, Secretary Te Hau Kōmaru NationalWaka Hourua Charitable Trust, Chair Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, Trustee Tairāwhiti CulturalDevelopment Trust, Director Ngā Pākura Ltd, and most importantly, husband of Rāwinia, father of Te Rauhuia and Te Aotāihi, and kaiwhāngai of Alfred the dog and Moke the cat.
Mātaiao: Observations, reflections and predictions of a changing world.
Dr Ngata will also be hosting conference attendees on the waka tour on the Uawanui a Ruamatua which is the name of our river. It is a highway of activity and story, a link to the hinterland of tribal whakapapa, and an entry to coastal narratives.